How to Select and Move Shapes in Preview


An oval shape has been added to an image in by using Mebu bar command Tools → Annotate → Oval:

enter image description here

I have no means to move this oval: trying to do so only results in getting handles to resize or re-proportion it:

enter image description here

What is the way to select the shape so to move it? I also did not find any obvious select tool on the toolbar.

Best Answer

Here is what I do with shapes in Preview.

I recommend not to select the shape it self.

Click anywhere next to it to deselect (not required but safer), that way you will not accidentally reshape it.

Like in your case the shape is small and the reshaping dots are large, so it becomes tricky to select the shape for moving.

enter image description here

Now go back and "hover" over the shape till a hand shows instead arrow cursor.

enter image description here

Click and HOLD (hand animates that) and move it while holding.