Repair Mac Partitions – How to Repair Mac Partitions Without Internet Recovery and Rescue USB


Resizing the C:\ drive under Windows(bootcamp) corrupted mac partitions. Neither Mac OS X nor Windows are able to boot. Holding the Option(ALT) key shows only Windows, which can't boot.

  • Internet Recovery doesn't work giving -2002F error.
  • No other Mac nearby to create recovery USB.
  • I have only Windows PC with internet in my disposal to fix this.
  • No single user nor verbose mode loads.

How do I recover the Mac partition table? I heard TestDisk could fix that, but how do I run it?

Best Answer

There is not much you can do with a stock Mac to fix the hard drive.

You could plug the hard drive in another Mac (as a secondary drive, not a boot one) and see what Disk Utility tells you (press command-space then type Disk Utility to launch it) about it but it's not guaranteed to help you much. I am not even sure it can correctly repair a boot hard drive.

Your best bet is using a disk repair program such as DiskWarrior (

It costs a bit but has a very good reputation and saved many damaged hard drives. Cf for a great example of it saving important data.