How to remove a username from the username drop down list on Chrome on Mac OS X


Googling suggests that I highlight the name with my mouse and hit delete – this doesn't work (the name stays in the dropdown list, I instead end up deleting a letter from the name textfield)

A Mac specific suggestion is to hold down the "fn" button when I click delete. Trying that seems to have no effect – nothing changes, that I can see.

How do I remove a specific username from the username drop down on Google Chrome on Mac?

To all the answers suggesting Control ⌃+Shift ⇧+Delete ⌫ It is an editor shortcut for "quick delete entire line". So it only looks like it works.

It does not add/modify/delete names from the list of login names that are suggested for autofill.

Please test your answer before posting – make sure that the auto-fill list is actually different after you've deleted a name.

Best Answer

Was actually having the same trouble and decided to try a combination of fn + shift + delete