How to recover a Mac HDD

hard drive

Should I take it out and put it in a HDD enclosure. assuming its a 2.5" drive, should i buy a HDD enclosure and just slot it in?
Anyone know of a half decent FAQ that will help me with this task.
Finally any special gotchas when reconnecting this external drive to my iMac desktop machine? Do i have to use firewire or can I use USB 2?
Sorry for what seems like lots of questions but they are related.

Best Answer

No special firmware. No gotchas. USB 2 will work 'out of the box'. Just slot it in a 2.5 inch HDD enclosure (assuming it's a 2.5 HDD) and away you go.

The company that makes the external HDD enclosure you choose will provide instructions regarding how to put the HDD in the enclosure.