How to print full presenter notes without slides in Keynote


I have a 50 slide presentation with extensive notes, and urgently need to print out those notes.

Keynote 6 appears to offer no way to do this. All print options include slides, and/or do not print the full notes. Any notes that exceed one page, will simply be truncated from the printout.

Is there any way to copy/paste, export, or print the presenter note text in full, without (or even with at this point!) the slides?

Best Answer

This applescript should do it for you:

global presenterNotes
tell application "Keynote"
    open (choose file)
    tell front document
        set presenterNotes to presenter notes of every slide as text
            set the clipboard to presenterNotes
        do shell script "pbpaste > ~/keynote-notes.txt"
    end tell    
    quit application "Keynote"
end tell