How to override the delay timer on a Keynote slide during a presentation


Assume that you've set a Keynote (v 6.5.3) slide to automatically advance after 2 minutes:

enter image description here

This works fine – until you realise during your presentation that you've finished early and are ready to move onto the next slide.

How can you override the delay timer, and force the slide to move on?

Keynote ignores any key-press or slide remote, and doggedly waits the 2 minutes before advancing.

(In PowerPoint you can set an auto-advance-after-delay, but override it during a presentation using the keyboard or a slide remote – this is the behaviour I'm trying to emulate)

Best Answer

Try this:

shift+ during playback.


These are the Navigation keyboard shortcuts for use during presentation.

Screenshot of keyboard shortcuts for navigation of Keynote presentations