How to open a new blank document in Pages from spotlight


How can i open a new blank document in Pages app on Mac OSX Yosemite in Spotlight (and therefore in Alfred)?

Now, when i open Pages it first presents me with New document dialog and then Select Template dialog. Of course i click my way through all the prompts but it would be much more convenient to bring up Spotlight (or better yet Alfred) and just type something like Pages /n and go straight to typing.

Best Answer

Part of the problem can be eliminated by selecting a default template in the Preferences.

Pages preferences

Then, when opening from Spotlight or Alfred, a click on the new document button opens your default template. [Blank in the case of the setting shown above.]

Then, one could create an Automator or Applescript workflow that is attached to a service evoked by a keystroke combination.

Edit: OP @Rusl added this Applescript to a keystroke combination.

tell application "Pages"
  make new document
end tell