How to open a file with extension DAA on Mac

file conversion

How do I open a file with a .daa file extension on my Mac? Is there a Mac program that will convert it to an ISO image?

Best Answer

According to this reference, .daa is an extension related to the PowerIso application. This 2008 MacWorld article suggests an open source application - DAA Converter for OS X. The app page states:

DAA Converter is a free utility for converting DAA & GBI disk images to ISO format so they can be accessed on your Mac.

DAA Converter is a native GUI application which wraps the command-line tool, DAA2ISO/GBI2ISO, by Luigi Auriemma. It runs on Mac OS X 10.3 Panther or later.

I don't have any .daa files to test with, so I can't verify that this utility works. However, it's a GPL freeware app, so it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot.