How to manually add ssh key to keychain


In the past year I've been using dsa keys to access several remote machines. On one of these machine, dsa keys have been deprecated so I simply switched to rsa. In doing so it seems that my key is not stored anymore in the keychain, so everytime I restart my computer I get asked for the passphrase.

To add the key I tried this:

ssh-add -k .ssh/id_rsa

But also this:

/usr/bin/ssh-add -k .ssh/id_rsa

It works until the next reboot.
If I open the keychain and look there for ssh I see the dsa key, the old one.
Which would be the correct way to add the new one?

Best Answer

Try adding a new item in the keychain app by pressing the small + Button at the bottom. It should look like this.

enter image description here