How to manipulate several security settings from terminal


I want to change these behaviors from terminal:

  • Auto-login
  • Showing password after screensaver and sleep mode
  • Go to sleep mode after x minutes
  • Enable screensaver after x minutes

Best Answer

1) Auto-login

That one is tricky. The default is saved in

defaults read /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUser

But in order to turn it on or off, you need to do it as root.

Set it:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUser ShortName

Delete it (turn it off):

sudo defaults delete /Library/Preferences/ autoLoginUser

2) Showing password after screensaver and sleep mode

I've been trying to get that one to work, and I can't

You will see a lot of hints telling you that the answer is

defaults write askForPassword 1

or variations like

defaults -currentHost write askForPassword -int 1

and that should work, because if you turn it off via System Preferences, you will see:

% defaults read
    askForPassword = 0;
    askForPasswordDelay = 0;
    tokenRemovalAction = 0;

and then if you turn it back on via System Preferences, you will see

% defaults read
    askForPassword = 1;
    askForPasswordDelay = 0;
    tokenRemovalAction = 0;

BUT if turn it OFF and the quit System Preferences and change the setting using 'defaults write', when I re-launch System Preferences, it does not reflect that change.

I'd really like to know the answer to that one (preferably without osascript, but if there is no other way, I'll accept it).

3) Go to sleep mode after x minutes

Assuming you mean "have the computer go to sleep after x minutes" you want:

sudo pmset sleep 20

You can also use different settings specifically for when you are on battery (for MacBooks):

sudo pmset -b sleep 10

If you want to specify never sleeping when plugged in, use

sudo pmset -c sleep 0

4) Enable screensaver after x minutes

@Daniel's recommendation worked for me:

sudo osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to set delay interval of screen saver preferences to 30'

You can use 'sudo pmset displaysleep X' to have the display sleep instead of using the screensaver.