Cropped Video in iMovie – How to Overlay a Cropped Video on Another Video in iMovie


In youtube I see our lot of cropped videos overlaid over screen captures movie. Is this possible in imovie?

imovie 10.1.2

Best Answer

How to have a cropped video on top of another video in imovie?

This is known as Picture in Picture.

The following instructions are for versions of iMovie 10.1+

  1. Open a project and add a movie to timeline
  2. Select and drag a second clip above the main clip based on where in the video timeline you would like for it to show.
  3. Select Picture in Picture from the Overlay drop down menu.
  4. Drag the movie clip to where you want it placed on video preview screen and resize if needed.

That's it. Enjoy!

Note: You can use the same method for text and photos as well.

enter image description here