How to get the list of allowed users for Remote Management via Terminal


I want to use a command line tool to get the list of allowed users for Remote Management (ARD). I was able to enable ARD using kickstart, but I'm having trouble finding how you get the information, not set it.

Is there a or somewhere that I'm missing?

defaults /Library/Preferences/

doesn't seem to give me the info I need.

Ok, did find

defaults /Library/Preferences/

but that only gave me whether all local users are allowed for ARD. That is useful, but I want a little bit more. Do I need to use dscl perhaps to find ARD groups?

Best Answer

I had a bit of a look at my Server and desktop Mac and it would seem that the permissions are stored in the local Open Directory database. The command dscl . -list /Users dsAttrTypeNative:naprivs when run by an admin will give you a list of users who have any privileges set for remote management.