How to get list of played pdocasts in Itunes so that I select which to delete


In iTunes, I want to be able to pull up a list of played podcasts from time to time and select some for deletion.

I don't want to auto-delete podcasts marked as played as a) I share the library with my wife and don't want podcasts to disappear if only one of us has listened to them and b) I want to be able to keep some favourites.

I can get the list of played podcasts by setting up a smart playlist of media kind=podcast, but I can't delete them using that list because it is just a playlist. I can see what I want to delete, but I then have to go back the podcast view and find and delete each one individually, which seems clumsy.

Any ideas?


Best Answer

Create a smart playlist with the criteria “Media kind is Podcast” and ”Plays is larger than 0”. Looks like this: enter image description here