How to get “get-iplayer” to use an already installed ffmpeg


I'm following these instructions (scroll down to "Manual Installation") to manually install get-iplayer Terminal command (don't want to use brew):

I see that this requires (and talks you through–partly) the install of ffmpeg and AtomicParsley.

I already installed ffmpeg weeks ago for another purpose so I really don't want another install of ffmpeg if I can do without it. (Can I?)

How can I proceed without installing another copy of ffmpeg?

Best Answer

I would reccomend installing Homebrew and running brew install ffmpeg. That way you can delete the other one, because Homebrew installs it in /usr/local/bin so you won't have to worry about path issues.

To install from the source you've already got: From this page:

cd ~/Downloads/ffmpeg to go to the FFMPEG directory

./configure along with your needed flags. You probably won't need anything additionally for what you're doing.

make and then sudo make install. Be sure to type your admin password.