How to get an AppleScript application to automatically run at login


The script I have helps with my computers ability to edit videos. I only use my computer for editing. The script just activates a program that I have made. I want to be able open my computer after it has been shut down and get the program to open/run automatically.

I have tried to use the System Preferences' "open at log in" feature, but that doesn't work. Is there any other way?

The script I have is an application and the code is:

set appPath1 to path to resource "Opening"

tell application "Finder"
    open appPath1
end tell

When I double click the app, it opens up my program which changes the way FCPX renders, plays and saves videos.

Best Answer

I use this ..

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Go to Users & Groups.
  3. Choose your nickname on the right.
  4. Choose Login items tab.
  5. Press +
  6. Check startup programs you want to add.

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