How to force to take up exactly half of the screen


I'm using Spectacle for Window Management and I regularly use the commands to split my screen horizontally for exactly two windows. It works quite well for most things, but not for applications like or Emacs, which size themselves down just a little bit so that the window size goes together with their monospaced text view. I see Spectacle resizing them to exactly half of the screen, and then the windows resizing just a tad right after.

Emacs on the left, on the right:

Emacs on the left, on the right

Is there any way to force these windows to stay the size that Spectacle is trying to set?

This seems like a non-issue, but it quickly becomes one when I have a more colorful desktop background. It's then quite distracting to have e.g. bright orange pixels all around those windows.

Best Answer

Terminal windows can only be expanded based on the width/height of a single character in the font that is used. You might be able to experiment and find a size that is easy to read while allowing the window to resize perfectly.

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