Command Line – Find Process ID for App Instance Created by ‘Open’ Command

command line

When I programmerly do open -F -W -n -g -a /Applications/, I got back the process of open and its pid 93930.

But that's not the process (93931) of newly created Safari instance itself.

huocp 93931   0.0  1.9  6047904 160240   ??  S    11:55am   0:04.39 /Applications/
huocp 93930   0.0  0.1  4340272  12212 s004  S+   11:55am   0:00.07 open -F -W -n -g -a /Applications/

Now I have no way to close the Safari process programmerly. I can close the open process programmerly by killing 93930, but it leaves 93931 running.

So the question is: is there a way to get the pid of the application instance created by open command?

93931 (safari) is not even a child process of 93930 (open), I tried with pstree command.

Best Answer

Similar question on StackOverflow

If you're programmatically doing this, one way to get the opened app's pid (subsequently using it to kill the process) is to get the grep the output of ps aux passing it the application's name.

ps aux | grep -v grep | grep -I <AppName> | sort -rn | head -1 | awk '{print $2}'

Basically, pipe the output of the ps aux command through grep and sort it based on the value of the start time column.

As pointed by @user3439894 below, there's an easier way without the above rigmarole.

pgrep -nx Safari

returns the PID of the last opened instance of Safari and

pkill -nx Safari

kills the last opened instance of Safari.