How to find the file address location for a file found in Spotlight


The Spotlight application handily locates files for opening immediately. However, I want to know the found file's address from Spotlight in order to navigate to that location in Finder and move the file elsewhere.

In this specific example, I'm trying to find a .tex file to move to a more memorable location, but I don't remember where it is. Is there a way to find out the exact address location of the found file through Spotlight?

Best Answer

From Spotlight:

Show All in Finder -> ctrl+click the file -> Show in Enclosing Folder or select Get Info. Now you are at the file's location or have the files address (from Get Info) without opening the file.

UPDATE: OS X Yosemite changed Spotlight quite a bit. Now the the file location is displayed in the lower right corner of Spotlight and cmd+enter will open a finder tab with the searched file at the file's address.