How to extend the time that a screenshot remains on screen on macOS Mojave

mojavepreferencesscreen capture

After taking a screenshot. The screenshot goes to the bottom right hand corner. It disappears after 5 seconds (yes I timed it). How can I extend this time?enter image description here

Best Answer

I know this is slightly off-topic and not quite a direct solution to your question, but this option may be of interest to you. You mentioned taking screenshots for tutorials… . I use Take screenshot selection, upload to imgur. + more cool things almost exclusively.

The imgur-screenshot utility, straight out of the box without configuring any options, uploads the screenshot to Imgur , opens a browser window of the uploaded screenshot (for easy access if you need to manipulate the image), copies the URL of the screenshot to your clipboard, and also stores a local copy of the image.

I actually created an AppleScript application, and included.. into a script libraries folder in the application bundle…

on imgur_screenshot()
    set imgUR to (path to me as string) & "Contents:Resources:Script"
    set imgUR to imgUR as alias
    set imgUR to POSIX path of imgUR
    set imgUR to quoted form of imgUR
    do shell script imgUR
end imgur_screenshot


From here, with enhanced dictation enabled, I selected the new AppleScript application in Finder, and simply spoke the command “Make This Speakable”, and configured the newly created dictation command… now anytime I need to take a screenshot, I simply say “Upload Screenshot” which sets the whole process in motion

enter image description here