How to end dictation without using the mouse, and without triggering unintended shortcuts


As far as I know, to terminate hands-free voice dictation mode one must use their hands — either by clicking 'Done', or by pressing Command + D.

However, pressing Command + D also executes the application shortcut associated with that key combination. (eg, in a web browser you trade your dictation dialog for a bookmark dialog)

How can I end dictation mode using my voice?

Is there an official way to exit dictation without using a mouse?

Is there a way to return to Speech Commands once I've successfully used Speech Commands to start dictation mode? (eg, to get the words 'Computer, open Calendar' to open the calendar like usual instead of merely typing those very words into the document in focus)

Best Answer

It's currently not possible to close dictation using voice command. From Apple page:

When finished, click Done or press the fn key again. Your spoken words then appear in the text field.

The same is for Enhanced dictation

Enhanced Dictation automatically stops listening when you switch to another window, or if you press the Fn key again, or when you click Done.