How to download the Command Line Tools for Xcode without the Downloads for Developers webpage


I'm trying to install the Command Line Tools for Xcode so that I can use homebrew to install some packages I need for some rudimentary programming exercises; I would rather not install the entirety of Xcode (again) as it's pretty bulky for something I rarely use, and I prefer a minimalistic IDE. Supposedly, Apple has released the command line tools separately, but for whatever reason, when I sign into the Downloads for Developers page, I get some sort of weird error where the page will not populate with downloads the majority of the time, and even when it will (rarely) I can't find the command tools I'm looking for.
Apparently you can also download the OSX GCC Installer from Kenneth Reitz's blog, but it seems to be obsolete now that there's an official Apple version.

Are there any other avenues I can pursue? What could be going on with the website?

Best Answer

The command line tools aren't offered via Xcode 5.0.1, but I was able to install them via this terminal command.

xcode-select --install

It will prompt you that it needs the command line tools and will offer to install them. Worked like a charm for me.