How to do Ctrl+Alt+Del via Logitech iPad keyboard


This is and old question, but all the answers I managed to find in the Internet didn't solved my issue.

I am using a Logitech wireless keyboard on my iPad — "Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover" to be more precise.

I use Parallels on my iPad to access my Windows 7 computer.

When I go into it, I am asked to press Ctrl+Alt+Del to start a session. I am not allowed to disable that option on my Windows computer.

I have tried all the keyboard combinations, but nothing seems to work. How can I press Ctrl+Alt+Del on my wireless keyboard???

Best Answer

If it's Parallels Mobile, you need to use the on-screen keyboard for complex keyboard commands such as this one. According to the documentation, once you bring up the on-screen keyboard, there are arrow keys on the top of the keyboard to switch to a "function" keyboard; from there, you can press "delete" with both the Ctrl and Alt modifiers active.

The Mobile Guide (link) produced by Parallels for this application can help guide you further. (the Page 19 area references the items I mention above)