How to disable codesign check on Logic Pro X plug-ins


  1. I run Logic Pro X and other software to make music, and some third party plugins make the program crash if they get a:

    Exception Type: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (Code Signature Invalid)

    I can solve this problem by codesign -f -s - <file> but id rather not to, is there a way to disable code signature check? so it wont even give me an error and wont check it?

I assume the answer is no so hence my second question:

  1. i need to run sudo codesign -f -s - on a .bundle file thats inside a a Resource folder inside a .component (a package), and i have A LOT of these to go through, for example:
    • Plugin_2.component -> Resources -> Plugin_2.bundle
    • Plugin_3.component -> Resources -> Plugin_3.bundle

Is there a way to make a command to do it automatically?

I was thinking maybe in automator? something to make it do these 2 steps:

  1. look for a .bundle file inside a Resource folder in a package
  2. run sudo codesign -f -s - on it

Is that possible? maybe make it in Automator and add it to Services in the right click menu? or to make it scan a whole folder with .component?

Best Answer

after some trial and error i managed to solve it easily with the following command in terminal

find . -name "*.bundle" -execdir sudo codesign -f -s - {} \;  

find . -name "*.EXTENSION" is responsible for finding the certain file extension in a directory

-execdir YOUR COMMAND {} \; is responsible to executing the command.
using -execdir -> on the results of the previous find command ( {} )

fairly simple after all, hope this can help someone in the future