How to delete duplicate photos from an iPhoto event


I did a stupid thing with one Event in iPhoto library. I thought of making a copy of this Event, and I did use the menu duplicate.

Instead of creating another copy of event, it did copies of all the photos inside the existing event. (new to iPhoto usage ;-))

So the big task I have is to delete the possible duplicates of 350 photos. Is there any tool/ option in iPhoto/ apple script etc.. to accomplish task ?

Best Answer

I wrote a $7 app called Duplifinder that finds and shows duplicates in your iPhoto Library:

You can view the sets of duplicates, double-click to locate a photo in iPhoto, press Delete to delete a photo from iPhoto. Or just push "Move all duplicates to iPhoto Trash" to clean up.

If you have any questions about it please email me at - Stefan