How to delete a previous recipient’s email address from Mail

I am trying to delete a friend's old email address so it doesn't automatically pop up when I enter his name while addressing an email. I have removed it manually from the address book, but it still shows up in Mail.

How do I stop this happening?

Best Answer

  1. Fire up a "New Message" from the File menu (or use command + N)
  2. Begin typing the address
  3. When Mail starts to complete the address you want, hit the Return key to tell Mail to go ahead and auto-complete the address
  4. Hover the mouse pointer over the address; a blue arrow will show up on the right hand side.
  5. Click on the arrow, which brings up a drop-down menu. The menu contains several options, one of which is "Remove address." Click it, and it will remove the address from auto-complete.