Video Editing – How to Crop and Rotate Video

cropimage editingvideo editing

How can I crop rotate a video, so that it crops and rotates at the same time. I know that there is an option for this in, but it only works for photos. Is there some other application that can be used to do this?

Here is a gif of what I am trying to accomplish:


In case the above isn't clear, what I want to be able to do is:

  • zoom and rotate the video, but only rotate it slightly (e.g. 10-15°) rather than 90° at a time, and
  • also crop it so that the overall video is still square

Best Answer


Using FFmpeg from the .dmg image:

Download from, download the .dmg file then use terminal to edit your files, with this command.

cd to the folder with the files.(type cd <space> then drag the folder to terminal)

for example cd /Volumes/MacDATA/Users/he/Movies press enter - drag the ffmpeg(icon in black), and add the code behind.

`/Volumes/FFmpeg\ 87390-gd491d6a/ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter_complex rotate=5*PI/180:ow='iw*0.85':oh='ih*0.85' output.mp4`

Using the FFmpeg from brew

Use brew and run brew install ffmpeg.

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -filter_complex rotate=5*PI/180:ow='iw*0.85':oh='ih*0.85' output.mp4`

change the input.mp4 and output.mp4 your filename, change the 5 to your 'degree' for example rotate=10*PI/180 and reduce the scale (0.85 thing) to maybe 0.75 for 10 degree.