How to clear unwanted music off of the iphone

My iphone shows me a variety of songs that I no longer want to have on it. iTunes does not show those items under 'Music' under the phone. I sync — they're still there. What do I need to do to get rid of them? Contrary to various sources on the internet, sliding to the left on the song does not offer deletion, but starts to play it.

What's particularly vexatious is that I've got some Van Halen song on here. I've never seen it before. It does not show up on my Mac in itunes at all. I guess a child of mine might have purchased it.

I tried disabling icloud and setting up music syncing from itunes, and ran a sync, but that song and other undesirables persists.

Best Answer

These songs are iTunes purchases that are available for download but not currently on your iPhone. To hide these:

Settings > iTunes & App Store > Show All: Music = OFF