How to change the password of a local admin user that has never being logged in using a bash script


Every Mac OS X system in my company uses 3 local users accounts.

1st user is a local administrator user, the 2nd user is a local standard user and the 3rd user is a local administrator user.

The 3rd user account is being used from my Security Department to scan our Mac OS X systems.

This 3rd user has never been logged into the system.

The 3rd user is there, but this user does not have a regular /Users/username path folder. Again it is there, I can use it, I can SSH, etc. but once again does not have a regular /Users/username home path because we never log in.

I need to create a bash script that will change and update this 3rd user password.

Surfing the web, I found this solution:

sudo /usr/bin/dscl . -passwd /Users/username newpassword
sudo security set-keychain-password -o oldpassword -p newpassword /Users/username/Library/Keychains/login.keychain

My problem is that the user does not have a regular /Users/username home path, because we never log in. We just created the user so the Security team can use it for scanning.

How can I create a bash script that will change the password?

Just so you know, the user has been created with the following script:

USERFULLNAME="Batman Scan User"

dscl . -create /Users/"${USERNAME}" isHidden 1
dscl . -create /Users/"${USERNAME}" UserShell /bin/bash
dscl . -create /Users/"${USERNAME}" RealName "${USERFULLNAME}"
dscl . -create /Users/"${USERNAME}" UniqueID "${USERUID}"
dscl . -create /Users/"${USERNAME}" PrimaryGroupID 20
dscl . -create /Users/"${USERNAME}" NFSHomeDirectory /Users/"${USERNAME}"
dscl . -passwd /Users/"${USERNAME}" "${USERPASS}"
dscl . -append /Groups/admin GroupMembership "${USERNAME}"

Best Answer

I would just make new accounts with the credentials you need and worry about deleting the broken ones later.

If your MDM is JAMF, use their tool to automate hidden admin account creation and push the script out. If not, look for the github / Mac App Store tool CreateUserPkg

I wouldn’t reinvent the wheel here and instead, stand on the shoulders of these giants above.