How to change AppleScript path to a Terminal-style path


I have a custom Service that I've created in Automater (I'm on OS X 10.6.5). The Service executes an AppleScript which in turn executes a shell script. Here is the AppleScript:

on run {input, parameters}
    -- do shell script "/usr/bin/find " & input & " -type f -name .DS_Store -delete -print"
    display alert "Path: " & input
end run

The problem is, the path passed by the Service (in the variable input) looks like:

Macintosh HD:Users:Matthew:Documents:Programming:Apple Scripts:

And for the command to execute properly, the path needs to look like:

Macintosh\ HD/Users/Matthew/Documents/Programming/Apple\ Scripts/

So, is there a way to translate the first path to the second path? I was hoping for a core function which handles this. But I suppose some kind of regex/find/replace/etc would work? I'm familiar with HTML/CSS/Javascript/PHP, not with Cocoa/AppleScript/C. Any direction or suggestions would be great!

Best Answer

Use quoted form of the POSIX path of input. Without the quoted form of part, it won't handle funny characters (like spaces) in filenames correctly. See this Apple technote.