How to batch rename images, in reverse numerical order

automatorfilesystemfinderimage editingrename

My camera names its images IMG_0001.jpg, IMG_0002.jpg, IMG_0003.jpg, etc.

I have about a thousand images and would like to rename them without having to do it manually if possible.

Is there a good way to automate the process of renaming them in the reverse order – e.g. IMG_0003.jpg, IMG_0002.jpg, IMG_0001.jpg?

Best Answer

You can use an Automator Workflow.

Something like this:

enter image description here

Sort Finder Items step will sort image names descending (IMG_0003.jpg, IMG_002.jpg, IMG_001.jpg).

Make Sequential step will rename them sequentially (IMG_0001.jpg, IMG_0002.jpg, ...).

Copy Finder Items step is optional, just to be sure not to mess with original files.