How to allow someone to turn off the device

applescripthigh sierrashutdownterminal

the purpose of my question , I need someone to remotely turn off my device

because I wont be in front of my Laptop

I succeeded in giving him a terminal command to shutdown my PC

osascript -e 'tell app "System Events" to shut down'

but the issue here (the below image)

= there's opening apps which open a dialog (Terminate processes , would like to review) ?

and waiting for input/interaction from me

I wont be in front of my Laptop , so I need this solution to by force immediately shutdown the device without these dialogs – without depending on action by me

enter image description here

Best Answer

Easier, but sacrifices security

Create an admin account for him on the system.

Have him type

sudo -u his_short_user_name shutdown -h now

He then answers a password challenge with his password, and the system does a "somewhat hard" shutdown. This means apps will not be asked about saving application data, so your half finished Illustrator drawing is gone.

Better security

At Terminal, you write a bit of perl to wait for his shutdown request. You launch it after every reboot with sudo perl program_name. When you do, it'll challenge you for your password, and then run as superuser. When it comes time to shutdown, it's already authenticated so it just does it.

  my $signal_file = "/Users/(you)/Public/Drop Box/shutdown";
  unlink ($signal_file); 

  while (1) { 
    next if not -f $signal_file;
    system ”shutdown -h now";

And your guest needs to simply touch '/Users/(you)/Public/Drop Box/shutdown' to trigger a shutdown. He doesn't need any special rights to do this. For instance you could publish your Public directory as a network share point, a perfectly reasonable thing to do from a security POV.

If you want to temporarily prevent a user from doing this, either kill the process (ctrl-C) or create a directory there called shutdown. Note that perl is testing for -f (presence of file).