How to advertise the app on the App Store


When I released my iOS app on the App Store, how can iPhone user know that this new app is released?

I mean, I do not advertise my app anywhere.

So if my app is already released to App Store, I think no one can know about my newly released app. Is that right?

If they don't know my newly released app, my iOS apps are just useless.
I don't want to advertise with money for my app because I am just a beginner iOS developer. So I don't that much have money.

Is there anyway let user to know about my newly released app without money advertisement?

Best Answer

You can link to apps in the appstore. For example:

(This is just a random app I picked to serve as an example)

Now, if you have your link to your app, you can:

  • Write a blog about the app and link to it
  • Have websites review your app and they will link to it
  • Does your app serve the need of a particular community? Maybe they have a forum or mailinglist where you can link to your app and explain the benefits they will get from it.
  • Tweet, facebook or Google+ about the app