How to add new pronunciations to apple dictation


I am a mathematician, and I am also dyslexic. I am trying to use the dictation software (not voice over) on my MacBook pro to write documents. I want to teach it certain pronunciations of words for example 'Lie' in 'Lie algebra' is not pronounced as it is written but differently. Given I have a speech impediment associated with my dyslexic I don't pronounce 'th' properly (and a bunch of other things), so every time I say 'theory' it writes 'fairy'.

Here are some other examples that which it consistently gets wrong for me: "is" always writes "it's", "the" always writes "there". You can imagine how annoying this gets!

I'm worried it is in a positive feedback loop. That every time I say "the" and it writes "there" it thinks that is more likely the correct thing to do, so does it more often etc. I don't know how/if I can formally correct it so that the algorithm knows it got it wrong.

Thus my question is: Is there a way to teach apples dictation software the correct pronunciation/my pronunciation of words? If not are there any alternatives I could use.

(p.s. The original version of this question asked how to add new words as-well as pronunciations – a recent update seems to have sorted this)

Best Answer

I don't think that there is anything that is adjustable for Apple's dictation. I assume that you could use Text Replacements, but I don't think they are interactively called when dictating.

You might have more control if you used a third-party dictation software like Dragon Naturally Speaking.


My kids are dyslexic as well. I have used the text to speak to help them with their papers. I tell them to just their their thoughts out onto paper before going back and fixing any little issues that have come up from the dictation. It's also a way for them to proofread their work to make sure they make sense.