How to activate iAd Network in iTunes Connect


I want to activate iAd Network in iTunes Connect but with no success, iAd network is still in "Contracts In Process".

I've entered contact informations, Bank Info is alreday entered for paid apps and Tax Info I don't have since I'm from Croatia.

Here is ss of "Contracts":
enter image description here

And when I go to setup "Bank Info" I see next:
enter image description here
.. so this means that I don't need to do anything here.

And when I go to "Tax Info" I see next:
enter image description here
.. so that also means that I don't have do anything here because I'm from Croatia and that step applys to Canada and US.

What do I need to activate the iAd Network?

Best Answer

You need to fill out the US tax forms -- take a look at your screenshot: Note that U.S. tax forms are required for everyone.