How much free space should there be on the start volume


I have a MacBook 2,16 GHz with 3 GB RAM (white from 2007) and I wonder how much free space should there be on the start volume.

I have a 100 GB partition for OS X (10.6.5) and a separate data partition of 300 GB (however the user directory is on the system partition).

free space on the start volume:
30 GB after booting
22..25 GB after one day of use
goes down to about 22 GB after several days of use (I usually reboot, when it reaches 22 GB).

(there is also about 30 GB free on the data partition).

=> Could that be a performance problem or is that enough free space?

I have some large databases open in DevonThink Pro, mostly many pdf files open in Skim, Safari seems to need quite some RAM and there are some non-native apps (TexMakerX and JabRef) which also get quite slow sometimes.

Best Answer

According to this page written by Tom Nelson:

I would say keep at least 15% of your startup drive free at all that some basic OS X maintenance scripts will have sufficient free drive space to run. This includes OS X's built-in disk defragmentation system, memory swap space, and enough space to create cache and temp files when OS X starts up, while still leaving room for basic applications, such as email and web browsers, to use free space as needed.