Homebrew Cask: List all formula available for installation


After updating the local Homebrew cache by running brew update, I have been using brew search and brew cask search to list all the available formula for installation via Homebrew Core and Homebrew Cask respectively. Note that skipping the argument after search does the trick of listing all the formula available for installation.

While brew search still works, this is no longer the case with Homebrew Cask. Instead, now running brew cask search displays the explanatory text:

Homebrew Cask provides a friendly CLI workflow for the administration
of macOS applications distributed as binaries.

followed by a list of available Homebrew commands.

What command one need to run, to get a list of all the formula available for installation via Homebrew Cask?

While it is still possible to navigate to:


and obtain the desired list, I am looking for a solution along the lines of previously working brew cask search.

I am running up-to-date version of Homebrew (Homebrew 2.0.4) on macOS Mojave 10.14.3 (18D109).

Best Answer

$ brew search --casks

Commands beginning with brew cask have been merged into brew (i.e. brew search, brew cleanup).

You can use the --casks flag in brew search to "display all locally available casks".

$ brew search -h
Usage: brew search [options] [text|/text/]

Perform a substring search of cask tokens and formula names for text. If
text is surrounded with slashes, then it is interpreted as a regular
expression. The search for text is extended online to homebrew/core and

If no text is passed, display all locally available formulae (including tapped
ones). No online search is performed.

        --casks                      Display all locally available casks
                                     (including tapped ones). No online search
                                     is performed.
        --desc                       search formulae with a description matching
                                     text and casks with a name matching
        --macports                   Search for text in the given package
                                     manager's list.
        --fink                       Search for text in the given package
                                     manager's list.
        --opensuse                   Search for text in the given package
                                     manager's list.
        --fedora                     Search for text in the given package
                                     manager's list.
        --debian                     Search for text in the given package
                                     manager's list.
        --ubuntu                     Search for text in the given package
                                     manager's list.
    -v, --verbose                    Make some output more verbose.
    -d, --debug                      Display any debugging information.
    -h, --help                       Show this message.