Graphics glitch – checkered pattern in Chrome


I've had this MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2019) for a while now, but today it glitched out with huge green fields in all apps.

After a reboot I see this checkered black/green glitch pattern in Google Chrome on some sites, in some "sizes". Basically if I resize the browser window the glitch goes away, but if I resize it too much it comes back.

Happens both on the internal and on external display.

I am hoping this is a software glitch, but I am afraid it's my graphics card. Would be very grateful if someone knows the answer.

Here's the stackoverflow logo with the glitch:

StackOverflow logo glitched

Best Answer

A temporary solution is to turn off the GPU rasterization option in chrome://flags. It can solve the graphics glitch issue but definitely not the best solution. Need to wait for Chrome's official patches.

enter image description here