Global shortcut to have finder open the home directory


New Mac/OSX user here. Thanks to google I've come up with this automator script:

on run {input, parameters}

    tell application "Finder"
        make new Finder window to home
    end tell

    # return input
end run

I saved this as ~/Library/Services/New Finder Window Home.workflow.

In System Preferences/Keyboard/Shortcuts/Services/General/New Finder Window Home I assigned it a new shortcut key ALT+CMD+e. It's supposed to mimic Win+e key on Windows.

On every application I see this script in the top menu in <App name>/Services/New Finder Window Home and pressing that combination works.

Except in Finder itself

In Finder itself, this script does nothing. I would like to behave it the same way as everywhere else: just open me my home directory.

Solution thanks to Thomas

It seems I need to assigned this to the Service and as part of the App Shortcuts with the same shortcut (would be great if someone could explain that too).

Best Answer

Go in System Preferences/Keyboard/Shortcuts/AppShortcut then add a shortcut for finder with the desired menu name (Home I think) and put your keybidding alt+cmd+e and voilà