Give local PHP Full Disk Access in Mojave


I have a PHP webpage running on the local apache installation. The page uses shell_exec to access the messages/chat.db via sqlite3.

shell_exec("sudo -u ben sqlite3 ~/Library/messages/chat.db \"SELECT ...

Before Mojave I got the response correctly, but since updating to Mojave I get:

unable to open database

When running in the Terminal directly, this same issue occurs and is solved by adding Terminal to the "Full Disk Access" pane in System Preferences.

I can't figure out what I need to add for the PHP page; I've tried everything I can find… sqlite3, apachectl, php-fpm, but nothing has worked.

What do I need to add?

FYI: ben is in the sudoers file

Best Answer

You are possibly doing it incorrectly.

First of all, sudo typically requires a password to be typed, and that won't happen via a Web app.

Second, the _www user doesn't get to use sudo. That's a big security hole. Don't even think of modifying sudoers to allow it.

What you should be doing instead is allow the _www user (the one the webserver runs as) access to the chat.db file, like this:

sudo chgrp _www ~/Library
sudo chgrp _www ~/Library/messages
sudo chgrp _www ~/Library/messages/chat.db
chmod g+rx ~/Library
chmod g+rx ~/Library/messages
chmod g+r  ~/Library/messages/chat.db