Fully displaying volume size info on the desktop


No matter which combination of icon size, spacing, font size I use for the desktop Finder view, the info for my drives on my Mac Mini hooked up to my TV (1080p) shows up as:
999.85 GB, ...06 GB free
instead of
999.85 GB, 152.06 GB free

I've even made a screenshot:

enter image description here

Is there a fix/hack to display this fully all the time? Should I file a bug/request with Apple? Should I give up and use GeekTool or something else? This drives me nuts…

Thanks in advance !

Best Answer

For string to be as wide as possible change "Grid spacing" in Show View Options

Grid Spacing

but in case when the whole info string become 25 characters or more it will just become truncated anyway. On the next screenshot I have 104.69 GB available.

enter image description here