Error in logs: kernel[0]: Validation failed, dataSuffix


I've the following errors in my system logs when running Pages (or any iWork app):

Aug  4 19:01:09 kernel[0]: Validation failed, dataSuffix: 
Aug  4 19:01:09 kernel[0]: b9 d5 6f e2 28 3e b9 48 82 12 80 33 10 14 01 9c 06 00 2b 20 8a e1 64 b1 da f5 90 a3 af ba 32 52 83 4a d6 25 08 d3 88 72 39 a5 2a 39 5e a0 f7 77 66 bb 
Aug  4 19:01:09 kernel[0]: vnode_validate_compressed_file_Type4 error: 22
Aug  4 19:01:09 kernel[0]: Validation failed, dataSuffix: 
Aug  4 19:01:09 kernel[0]: b9 d5 6f e2 28 3e b9 48 82 12 80 33 10 14 01 9c 06 00 2b 20 8a e1 64 b1 da f5 90 a3 af ba 32 52 83 4a d6 25 08 d3 88 72 39 a5 2a 39 5e a0 f7 77 66 bb 
Aug  4 19:01:09 kernel[0]: vnode_validate_compressed_file_Type4 error: 22

What is causing that, how to debug that and how can I fix that?

Best Answer

These errors are reported by kernel and are caused by corruptive file compression in HFS+.


  • Please run Disk Utility to Verify Disk for any file-system inconsistency (as well as Verify and Repair Disk Permissions),
  • If you're using any compression software tool, you may consider to upgrade it or remove it (e.g. Clusters),
  • Run Console and check 'Diagnostic and Usage Info -> User/System Diagnostic Reports' for any kernel or software crashes which could potentially cause that problems,
  • Re-install completely the software which is failing (e.g. Pages),
  • Use Time Machine to recover the files from when it was working,
  • This could be some hardware issue, please run S.M.A.R.T. tests for your HDD to find any issues or bad sectors,
  • This you're using SSD, it could have been heavily used (as it has quite short life span in comparision to HDD) or you could be using some bad quality product,
  • If anything won't help, you may try to make an appointment with Genius Bar.
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