Enabling remote login without password authentication

remote controlssh

I have enabled remote login (ssh) on my Mac via System Preferences. But it doesn't work with keys and only works with normal user/pass authentication. I want to disable this behaviour and only allow public key (RSA or DSA) authentication.

I edited /etc/sshd_config and uncommented following lines:

PasswordAuthentication no
PermitEmptyPasswords no

I then restarted the Remote Login service but it didn't help. It still allows password authentication and my keys are rejected.

Could anyone help me set this up?

Best Answer

Allow me to answer myself as I found a resolution.

If PasswordAuthentication no doesn't work on its own (and I read in some situations it may) make sure to uncomment and set to "no" this:

UsePAM no

Kudos for this resolution go to Mac OS X Hints - http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20050815135941513&lsrc=osxh.