Edit commands in iTerm2 with standard OS text keyboard/mouse controls

command lineitermkeyboardmouseterminal

I'm a heavy terminal user, but I'd like to be edit commands like I would in any other mac app, e.g.:

  • select a portion of a command with the mouse and press backspace to delete it
  • use shift+up to select all of a command to the start
  • use the mouse to click and place the cursor (not in conjunction with holding modifier keys)

I've tried Preferences > Profiles > Keys > "Natural Text Editing" but it doesn't seem to work.

I appreciate that many people prefer to use terminal-specific bindings, e.g. vim/emacs modes, but I'd just like to be able to interact with a terminal like I'd interact with any other app.

Best Answer

I use the bash shell and do much of what you want. I use the mouse to select something and command-c to copy or command-v to paste. I can place the cursor wherever I want with mouse. Well it doesn't really move the cursor but I highlight what I want to copy or cut. The up and down arrows scrolls thru previous commands. Typing tcsh adds more functionality.