Easy PDF word count


What is the 'easiest' way to get word (and/or page) count of PDFs?

By 'easy' I mean 'an app where you can read/annotate the PDF and get word count as well, without having to resort to clunky copying/pasting'. I know one can copy/paste things from any PDF reader into Word/Pages and get this info. I'd rather hear about a more practical/robust solution.

Ideally I'd want to know if this is available (in this order of preference):

  1. In Preview (my default PDF reader)
  2. In another PDF reading app (which I'd be happy to make default)

If the above doesn't exist, I'd also be content with programmes that do word/page count exclusively (although you won't be able to read/annotate the PDF). Ideally in this order of preference:

  1. An app with a GUI
  2. A command line programme

Thanks for any ideas!

Best Answer

WordService from DEVONtechnologies will do statistics (count words, characters, lines) on seleced text. Page count is shown in the titlebar of Preview.
It does more than statistics, like uppercase, lowercase, converting tabs to spaces or vice-versa, date and time functions, etc.
And as it is a Service-provider it's available in all Cocoa apps via the Services menu or contextual menus under the Services heading.

DEVON's products page
Look under the Freeware section. Available from their website and the Mac App Store.