macOS Dual Boot – Fix rEFInd Booting into GRUB Instead of Ubuntu

big surdual-bootgrubmacosunix

Here is what I have done so far:
I wanted to dual-boot my mac with ubuntu. I did this following the classic guides, except instead of clicking on the installer I opened it with the command "ubiquity -b" in the terminal (since I was getting a grub error).
The download worked this way and I also successfully installed rEFInd.

Here is my problem (see pictures below):
When I start my mac the refind screen pops up with my ubuntu and mac OS. Yet when I choose Ubuntu I get to a grub screen.

How to I get to the normal Ubuntu screen? I ran some ls commands so you can see what I am working with (feel free to ask for more pictures with other commands).
Also: is the error I get im picture 2 a sign of a problem?

refind screen

grub screen with example commands


Best Answer

When a grubless Ubuntu is installed, the rEFInd boot manager can be used to instruct the firmware to boot Ubuntu. However for this to happen, a Linux filesystem driver has to loaded first. In your case, the rEFInd boot manager will load the driver, if the ext4_x64.efi file exists in the efi/refind/drivers_x64 folder on the same volume rEFInd is installed. You should be able to find the ext4_x64.efi file on the same media as downloaded with rEFInd.

From macOS , you should be able to mount the EFI volume where rEFInd is installed by using the command given below.

sudo diskutil mount disk0s1

You can unmount by using the command given below.

diskutil unmount disk0s1

You may also have other reasons for your problems. This answer just identifies one problem determined from the information you posted.