Dropped computer. Will not boot. Unable to find driver for this platform \“ACPI\” MACOSX version

hard drive

I dropped my computer two days ago. At first it would not boot up at all, not even showing the grey circle with the line in it or anything at all. I did internet recovery and did some cleaning up of the hard drive but it was saying I had problems with the partition boot. It was giving me some screen saying "Unable to find driver for this platform" after booting though. I went back into internet recovery, erased the drive, and re-installed os x. It was giving me the same error at first, but then I started it in safe mode and it worked. I restarted it normally and it worked.

Did dropping it break my hard drive or some other part in my computer? It seems to be working fine now, but I can't trust it. Is there any software that I can use to run some hard ware diagnostics?

EDIT: Macbook Pro 13' 2012 version. I had Mac OS X Mavericks, but currently it is back at OS X Lion. My computer will occasionally hang with the beach ball for no reason.

Best Answer

You should probably run 2 tests.

The Disk Utility Test (does not require restart).

Disk Utility.app is located in your Utility folder, use it to check the hard disk.

and the Apple Hardware Test. (does require restart)