Drawbacks to merging PDFs in Preview.app


When PDF files are merged in Preview.app are there any drawbacks regarding compatibility with the PDF standard and Acrobat?

My procedure is to open two PDFs in Preview and drag the pages from the thumbnail drawer of one document to the other, then save. I also delete pages be selecting the page thumbnail and pressing 'delete'.

When PDFs are merged in this way, are they really merged into a single PDF or is the first PDF just acting as a container file for the second? Likewise, are deleted pages really removed from the PDF or just 'commented' out in the rendering engine?

Best Answer

Merged PDFs from Preview are perfectly valid and follow the standard. I've never found any incompatibilities with them. It does merge it into a single PDF, and any pages that are deleted are removed from the file. You can test this by checking file sizes first before merging, then after merging, then after deleting some pages.

The only drawback I've found with Preview is that the Apple code for writing PDFs seems to default to writing PDFs which are faster for Preview to render, but which are larger than typically put out by Acrobat. (At the moment, I can't find the link that originally proposed this hypothesis... It's been a number of years.) For example, you might open an Adobe-created PDF in Preview, immediately save it to another file, and notice that it has expanded. This change in file size does not change the image quality in any way.

In general, the change in file size is not too much of a deal. It's only in rare cases (such as 120MB scanned PDFs) that I worry about which app I use to create the PDF.