Drag and Drop file to desktop when windows are maximized


I typically maximize my windows to the full size of the screen and then rather than clicking windows to navigate through them I cmd+tab to switch between applications. The only problem that this causes is that whenever I have to drag a file from my finder to the desktop all these maximized windows are in the way.

Is there any efficient way to move the file to the desktop. I've looked for right click "move to desktop" and I've look for some icon at the top of the screen I can drag it into and those don't exist.

Best Answer

You have several possibilities:

  1. Use the sidebar and drag & drop files or folders on the 'Desktop' item
  2. Create a 'Desktop' Dock item by dragging and dropping the folder '/Users/YourUserName/Desktop' to the Dock and afterwards drag & drop files or folders you want to move on the 'Desktop' item in your Dock
  3. Create an Automator Service to move (or copy) chosen items to the 'Desktop' folder (rough example)