Does powertop work with Mac OS X Snow Leopard or are there other power profiling utilities

powersnow leopard

I recently came across a blog post highlighting powertop for Linux (see: Based on the FAQ, powertop relies on the fact that the Linux kernel is now tickless. Given a specific Linux kernel requirement, I am doubtful that it will work with the Darwin kernel. Freshmeat also mentions powertop, but they have a tag suggesting that a POSIX compliant OS can use powertop. Since FreeBSD is POSIX compliant, I was wondering if anyone had tried powertop on Snow Leopard ?

If not, does anyone know of similar, power profiling tools for Snow Leopard ? Specifically, power profiling tools that highlight processes consuming power.



Best Answer

Using dtrace and counting which processes wake and the reason and time, you might be able to get some of the information provided by powertop