Does anyone know how to login without credit card informations


enter image description hereenter image description hereenter image description hereI have already made my Apple ID through Game center instead of doing it first on the App store. Now I want to download another app so I have to log in my apple ID to app store then when I have logged in something popped saying "This apple ID has not yet been used in the itunes store" then theres options Cancel or Review when i click the review one theres this terms and conditions then agree or back only. i chose agree then the credit card billing appear how can i login without entering credit card informations? And can i use the apple id i made at the game center? i think its just the same, isnt? Thanks!!

Best Answer

If you already have an Account (or Apple-ID, iTunes-Account, GameCenter-ID etc.) you have to login into iTunes using your credentials from a Computer (Mac or PC), there you have the Option to select "none" in the Billings-Settings.